When a husband is happy at home then one person is happy BUT when a wife is happy at home then the whole house is happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Make her feel secure! Give her sakina (tranquillity in the marriage)
2. Salaam her when you come home! By doing this it will kick out shaitan from your home and it will give a great positive energy at home and within your marraige
3. Your wife is a fragile vissle so take care of her in a gentle manor
4. Advise your wife in privacy NOT in a pulic place as it will be a type of slander
6. Do small gestures for her E.G "your sitting down on the sofa and she walkes in to the room! you move aside and say huni sit here i have warmed the seat for you" THESES PARTICULAR POINTS BROTHER AND SISTER MAY SOUND SIMPLE BUT THEY CAN GO ALONG WAY TO ACHEIVE SAKINA IN UR MARRAIGE
7. Avoid anger! if ur standing and ur angry then sit down but if your sitting down and angry then lie down.
8. Looking good, smelling great!
9. Dont be rigid because you will be broken! Being rigid towards your wife will not bring you closer to Allah Tala!
10. Listen to your wife! take an intrest in what she is saying what she desires give her your time
11. Give your wife compliments... flatter her DONT argue... argument causes problems BUT flatery will warm your wifes heart for you
12. Call your wife with the best names she likes to hear!!! Our beloved Prophet pbuh use to do this with his wives
13. Sumtimes give her a pleasent suprise!!! that pleasent suprice will warm her heart towards you! E.G she loves water mellons and suddenly you get one home when it isnt even the season for watermellons.
14. Preserving the tongue!!! THIS IS SERIOUS!
15. All of us have short comings so just too look at her short comings and to think that we are perfect IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM! so EXPECT her short comings and ACEPT her short coming and Allah Tala will put BARAKA in your life and you will have and keep her love.
16. You will find some brothers love there wives, appreciate them, respect them BUT they never EXPRESS IT TO THEM! they just keep it in there heart!!!!! What you need to do is take it from the tongue of your heart and put it on the tongue of your mouth and DELIVER IT TO HER..... SHOW HER, TEL HER...by doing this it will increase her love for you.
17. Encourage her to be and keep in touch with her kin relations and to be kind to her mum and dad! that will brings her life blessing and mercy from Allah Tala and in return that blessing and mercy is your love.
18. Speak the topic of her intrest! this will keep the love increase the love and preserve the love.
19. This is 1 of the most SERIOUS MATTER!!! Right infront of her parents and relative show and express that she is wonderful and u admitt and you realise and confirm that she is wonderful!!!Speak out that she is a good person!!! that can preserve the love
20. Our beloved Propher pbuh gave us MAJOR TIPS..one was GIVE EACH OTHER GIFTS AND YOU WILL LUV EACHOTHER... it can be for 5pounds or 500pounds its the thought NOT THE QUANTITY of money spent... that gift can go along way!!! this was confirmed by our Prophet pbuh that when you give her a gift she will lov u more it will polish the love for you. BROTHERS AND SISTERS dont wait for an occasion to buy gifts for one another BECAUSE everyday is an occasion togather! E.G brother u can buy her a gift because she washes your clothes for you day in day out! Sisters you can buy him a gift because he looks after you and cares for you.....
21. GETING RID OF THE RUST (routine) Suprice her, make a change here and there.. this will warm her heart towards you...E.G take her out for a meal or weekend break! suprice her
22. Isamicly we are requested and demanded by Allah Tala (THAT WE HAVE TO THINK GOOD) meaning we have to think GOOD OF ONE ANOTHER!!! THIS APPLIES TO SISTERS ASWEL
23. Have the manors to PRETEND you did not hear a certain word or comment from your wife OR u did not see a certain thing she did! HOWEVER THAT DONT MEAN IF SHE HAS DONE OR SAID SUMFING THAT WILL DAMAGE HERSELF OR DEEN THEN YOU HAVE TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT! but the silly word, comments and action that she does pretend u did not hear or see because it will cause argument for no reason... THIS WAS A PRACTICE THAT IMAAM ALI USE TO IMPLEMENT..
24. This is a point that we all need to implement.. which is ADD A DROP OF PATIENCE DAILY IN YOUR EVRYDAY LIFE! THIS APPLIES TO SISTERS ASWEL... Brothers also INCREASE that drop pf patience when she is pregnant or on her monthly period this will go along way to her heart.
25. EXPECT her jelousy and RESPECT her jeolousy! ITS NATRUAL! sumtimes our mothers may Allah be pleased with them use to get jeolous when our beloved Prophet pbuh use to get food from the believers (the sisters) the servant came down with the food to our Prophet pbuh and our mother Aisha may Allah Tala be pleased with her stood nxt to our prohet pbuh and she tap the hand of the servant and the food fell on the floor.... BUT our beloved Prophet pbuh went down picking up the food and started to give out the food to evryone and said " EAT EVERYONE YOUR MOTHER GETS JELOUS" and thats it it was over!!! so expect and respect her jelousy as it PROTECTS your love
26. Be humble and you will be raise in her heart .
27. DONT MAKE YOUR FRINEDS HAPPY AT THE EXPENCE OF YOUR WIFE'S HAPIINESS... E.G dont bring your friends home late at nite and wake your wife up so she can prepare food and feed them. This will cause strain in her heart.
28. Help at home.. with the food and household chores... our beloved Prophet pbuh did this.. and he is the best amnonst us.
29. Dont force your wife to love your parents because love cant be forced and Allah tala puts love in the heart! Help her to repsect and be kind to your parents and Inshaallah the love will come gradually
30. Show her that she is the ideal wife! This is not a lie because in many ways she is ideal BECAUSE every waife is ideal NO MATTER how good or great she is or how half great she is and make her feel how ideal she is that will increase her love
31. BROTHERS remember your wife in ur DUA'S this will increase and her protect her love especally if she knows you spend great time making dua for her in great places
33. Dont try to show her your doing her a favour by bringing food for her at home...by saying you are providing for her BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT!!!!!! you are just a delivera BECAUSE ALLAH TALA PROVIDES FOR US!!!
34. Saitan is your enemy NOT your wife... TAKE THE SAITAN AS A ENEMY...do not let him get in between u both because his ultimate goal is to slpit you up as Allah Tala hates divorce
35. take food and put it in too her mouth... feed her because that will bring you closer
36. Consider your wife as your precious pearls... keep her away from the envy of the humens and jins... Protect her from there gaze and there touch! SHE IS THE QUEEN OF YOUR HEART
37. Show her your smile everyday... BECAUSE THE SMILE WILL WARM HER HEART... and its like giving sadaak (charity)
38. DO not ignore your small problems because it will become a HUGE problem and can split u
39. Avoid being harsh hearted....be gentle to ur wife.
40. Respect her thinking... show u appreciate and repsect her thoughts
41. Help her to dig within her heart... help her to find success BECAUSE HER SUCCESS IS YOUR SUCCESS
42. Respecting the intimacy and the boundaries between you and your wife! Stay in the halaal boundaries. When she is unwel to do not impose on her repsect her if she is not in the mood for your desires
43. Our children are our HEARTS walking on this earth!!! HELP HER TO LOOK AFTER YOUR THEM (OUR HEART)
44. Give her the gifts of the tongue! tel her you look great mashaallah you are bright! give her the gifts of the tongue.
45. Dont be a stranger to your wife! she is your soul mate, friend the mother of your children! give her time and that will increase, protect and preserve your love
46. Let her know your travelling, let her know when you are returning home! its AGAINST ISLAM THAT YOU JUST SUPRICE HER AND KNOCK ON THE DOOR.
47. Some of us will start carring a particular debate with us and in time turn into argumants.. DONT LEAVE HOME BECAUSE OF IT... if you need to be alone go for a few min or an hour to yourself but dont let it manifest and let it keep u away from home! QUITS this habbit because sooner u stop doing that it will increase your love
48. The home has secrecy and privacy, Once you take this privcay to the public the secrecy of your wife, YOU ARE REALLY SERIOUSLY PUTTING A DANGEROUS WHOLE INTO YOUR MARRAIGE AND RELATION... ISLAM IS AGAINST TAKING YOUR SECRECY AND PRIVACY TO THE PUBLIC
49. ENCOURAGE EACHOTHER WITH IBAADA IN WORSHIPPING ALLAH TALA!!! this will bring mercy, blessing and love into your marraige!when you plan to do hajj togather this will increase your love so much.
51/ 52. The Prophet pbuh said there is an messenger. the message at the tongue of the intimate relationship which is a kiss and we have to understand that a man cant just jump on his wife like a bull, NO!!! THE MESENGER IS THE KISS.. it keeps the love and it polishes the love
53. Some of us when we have a problem we dispute small problems with our love one, you know you go and share it with everyone! its like when you are wounded you dont leave your wouned for all the germs because that will be dangerouse for your wouned! so when you have a dispute with your wife its not availble for anyone because that will dirty your wound and it will be dangerous! SO its best to go to someone that has a strong knowledege on islam that can guide you to resolve the dispute.
54. To know that the good health of your wife is your good health! to care for health is like to care for your own health because when she is unwel you are unwel! YOU ARE BOTH ONE
55. Some brothers will think they are right all the time and they can never except that they are wrong BUT THEY HAVE TO REMEMBER THEY ARE NOT PERFECT THEY HAVE SHORT COMINGS! YOU NEED TO GET RID OF THIS SICKNESS ( THAT YOUR ALWAYS RITE) THOSE PEOPLE WHO THINK THEY ARE ALWAYS RIGHT wel may ALLAH TALA HELP YOU!!!!! THE ONE THAT IS ALWAYS RIGHT IS OUR PROPHET MOHAMMAD PBUH!!! get rid of this sickness then your love will be protected and increased.
56. Your happiness and sadness share that with your wife
57. Have mercy on her weakness!!! have mercy on her when she is weak or when she is stronge! have mercy on her as she is the fragile vissle, she is the one that really takes care of you and your love ones and she is the one that is entrusted in your hands! our propher pbuh showed us that this wife is a trust in your hand
58. You are the comfortable chest for her, you are the one who will say lean on me at difficult times, lean on me on the sad and happy times! rest assure she will lean on ur chest but she will look after your heart and protect the love
59. Except her as is!!! she is created out of your rib!!! so natrually she will be bent!!! you will never be able to straighten her if you try too she will break! Allah Tala showed us if you dislike one manor of her you will like another manor of her
60. Have the good intentions for your wife at all times it will go along way because Allah Tala will moniter your heart!
wonderful,,maasha allah